The Sustainable Utilisation of Nigeria’s Gas and Renewable Energy Resources (SUNGAS) project is an EC-funded project with the aim to reduce poverty and support socio-economic development in the Niger Delta by promoting decentralised access to sustainable modern energy services.
SDN’s element of the project aimed at developing community-based energy initiatives in the Niger Delta using renewable energy resources.
The first phase of SDN’s component of the SUNGAS project provided pilot communities opportunity to influence delivery of electricity through direct advocacy based on evidence of services in their area. The second phase focuses on creating opportunities for long-term sustainability of energy options and community involvement in the promotion of clean energy.
IIED, SDN and the Collaborative Media and Advocacy’s Platform (CMAP)’s solar installation at the community radio project, Chicoco Radio’s Media Shed in Okrika Waterfront Port Harcourt is a means of demonstrating the viability of solar to residents of Port Harcourt’s water front slums and providing sustainable power to support CMAP’s radio engineer training and cinema screening.
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