Webinar: Dirty fuels in Nigeria

Wednesday 20.05.2020 from 2pm to 3pm (GMT)

This webinar provides an overview of recent research by SDN which indicates low quality, highly toxic fuels are being imported and widely used across the Niger Delta, if not the whole of Nigeria. This is likely to significantly contribute to air pollution and public health problems. It is a matter of even more urgency at this time, when evidence suggests air pollution may be a key contributor to higher death rates from Covid-19.

The findings of this research are cause for serious concern, particularly the very high sulphur concentrations and benzene levels across unofficial and official fuel supplies in the Niger Delta. High levels of air pollution and pre-existing respiratory and other health conditions may increase the risk that Covid-19 poses to the health of the population of the Niger Delta, where the majority of unofficial fuels are produced, and more widely in Nigeria where low quality fuels are also consumed.

International commodity traders exploit Nigeria’s weak and poorly enforced fuel regulations. We hope that this analysis motivates governments, commodity institutions, and the oil industry to regulate fuel content, emissions, and the use of carcinogenic and toxic compounds across the petroleum sector in Nigeria.

Attendees will be emailed a link to the brief and full report after the meeting.


If you experience technical issues accessing this Zoom meeting, please contact:
Daniel Therkelsen
(Communications Officer, SDN)  

Joining instructions

This webinar will take place over Zoom. A joining link will be automatically emailed to you after you register for the webinar. [This webinar has now happened but a recording is available]

