Our commitment to working responsibly and accountably with you

This page explains what standards of conduct you can expect from SDN and our staff when we work with you, your family, or members of your community.

This page also explains how to contact us with positive or negative feedback. Sometimes things go wrong, and if they do, we want you to tell us about it so we can put it right and avoid mistakes in the future. This page is based on a printed guide with the same content, and made available to our project participants.

Our commitments to you

SDN staff will:

  • Treat you with respect
  • Strive to do you no harm, and to protect children under 18 and vulnerable people
  • Only use your details with your agreement
  • Be honest with you in all our work

Financial conduct

SDN staff will:

  • Act transparently and fairly
  • Never ask for money or services for personal gain
  • Never blackmail, bribe, or coerce anyone
  • Never request gifts or accept bribery

Feedback or complaints

SDN encourages you to tell us about any of our staff who have particularly impressed you with their conduct. SDN also encourages you to tell us if staff have fallen below your expectations of conduct, or the commitments and conduct set out in this booklet.

It can be best to feed back, or report a complaint, directly to SDN staff. If you aren’t comfortable doing that, or the complaint is serious, use our contact details to report feedback or complaints. SDN takes all reports seriously and they will be considered by senior management.

This Safeguarding Policy is the guiding document relating to SDN’s commitment and procedures to provide a safe, protective and supportive environment for its staff and the people we work with, with a particular focus on vulnerable groups, such as children. It also encompasses the wider safeguarding responsibilities of staff, to avoid harm to groups extending beyond staff and participants of our work.

Published: 16/08/2021

