Operating Structure:
Stakeholder Democracy Network (SDN) is focussed on correcting the link between the extractives industry and weak governance, currently specialising on the Niger Delta. It therefore requires an operating structure that mitigates the risks of operating in a conflicted region that has an unstable business environment and weak governance, underpinned by a weak rule of law.
SDN is the parent company of the SDN Group and is a UK based not-for-profit organisation (Companies House 5101121) with registration to the UK Charities Commission (1148143). The Charities Commission is the regulator for charities in England and Wales that ensures compliance with specific UK charity legislation and governance standards.
Niger Delta Stakeholders Initiative for Community Development and Empowerment (NDSICDE, company number CAC/IT/NO 73022) and Citizens Direct Network (CDN, company number 847695) are SDN’s subsidiary organisations that operate in Nigeria. Both NDSICDE and CDN are registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission in Nigeria.
Our operating structure aims to achieve greater controls and protection of donor funds through legal entities registered in Nigeria which are able to execute legal action in their local jurisdiction. In addition, the parent-subsidiary structure of the SDN Group ensures that NDSICDE and CDN are held accountable to international accounting standards and UK Charities Commission governance standards. Both NDSICDE and CDN are consolidated into the SDN Group audited annual accounts that are submitted in the UK using UK GAAP.
The SDN Group and all of its subsidiaries operate using the name and brand of “SDN”. The legal incorporated names of our subsidiaries are arbitrary.
Please find below the links to SDN’s most recent audited annual accounts.
Audited Annual Accounts May 2020 to April 2021
Audited Annual Accounts for May 2019 to April 2020
Audited Annual Accounts for May 2018 to April 2019
Audited Annual Accounts for May 2017 to April 2018
Audited Annual Accounts for May 2016 to April 2017
Audited Annual Accounts for May 2015 to April 2016
Audited Annual Accounts for May 2014 to April 2015
Sources of Income:
SDN is 100% project funded till the end of April 2021 and started receiving income from individuals and members of the public in May 2022. We are mostly funded directly by governments. The main sources of income for our past three financial years are displayed below: