About SDN

Established in 2004…

Stakeholder Democracy Network (SDN) was established as a non-governmental not-for-profit organisation in 2004 to support those affected by the extractives industry and weak governance.

SDN is based in the Niger Delta, and led by our local team with extensive experience of living and working there. This is reflected through a focus on pragmatic and positive solutions in our research and project work, sensitive to the political and social dynamics of the Niger Delta.

Who we work and engage with

We work with communities and engage with governments, companies and other stakeholders to ensure the promotion and protection of human rights, including the right to a healthy environment. Our work currently focuses on the Niger Delta.

How we work

Guided by principles of participation, inclusion and non-discrimination, SDN promotes the perspectives and experiences of those living in the Niger Delta at the centre of all of our work, and encourages transparency and accountability between all actors in the region.

What we do

We have four overarching areas of work:

  • Protecting the environment and addressing climate impacts
  • Promoting good governance
  • Fostering sustainable livelihoods
  • Supporting peace and security

Our offices in the Niger Delta and the UK

SDN has two offices – one office in Port Harcourt, the Niger Delta, and an office hosting a small international secretariat in London.

Port Harcourt, Nigeria
13A Location Road
Off Tombia Extension Oroazi,
G.R.A. Phase 3, Rivers State
T: +234 (0) 703 1593 783

London, UK
The Green House
244 – 254 Cambridge Heath Road
E2 9DA

Engage with us


Published 13.11.2019

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